Friday, January 16, 2015

How long have you been dancing?

Dear dancers,
How do you answer that question:
**** how long have you been dancing? ****

Sometimes people ask me that,
 right on the dance floor,
 after they have asked me to dance.

Once so happens, I answered: "not too long"
& my lead immediately moved us off the dance floor,
to explain to me the basic 6 count. (I was quite familiar with it, tnx) but enthralled with his enthusiasm, I listened carefully and followed his movements.
Who knows what I might learn? ^_^

At the end of my tiny lesson I thanked him for his attention and let him be,
as a friend just asked me to dance.
I danced with my friend for a while & at that point I saw the guy put a hand on his mouth,
telling his friend: "oh sh*t she's a real dancer!"
 I smiled to him, apologetically for the misleading. (What's a 'real' dancer anyway?)

I don't know if "not too long" was the right answer to his question, 
but I was tired of listing numbers after a while.
over time, I've also tried the vague answer of "a while" which apparently sounds patronizing to some, So I don't use it that often.

 I didn't encounter with that question on the dance floor for a long time now. 
Not until yesterday, when a beginner blues dancer asked me to dance.
    I wanted to answer : "does it matter?"  or "Why don't we just dance and see",  Not deciding what to say I eventually shrugged and we had a cute little dance.

when asked on the dance floor, I feel a bit discouraged by the question,
So, it made me think of some answers again
- If I answer: "oh, so and so years, I feel I'm being tested, evaluated as we do start dancing, I don't feel as free to do my usual shenanigans.
- If I answer vaguely it's not always welcomed as a joke.
- If I say I 'just started'...well :) it's either "you're pretty good for a beginner" or "you should do this more often" up to the reoccurring case of dance floor teaching..

I feel it changes expectations of the dance before the real dance, and why would you do that? why would you want to predetermine how good a dance would feel, based on a silly question instead of just trying it out?
I don't know about you, I always want to be SURPRISED FOR THE BEST.
Please don't take that away from me.

two pointers: 
                   1.   When asked on the dance floor,  it always seems to me like you are new to this.
                   2.   It's a misleading question. The people who ask it are cheating into trying to find out: "well, how good are you?" before starting to dance. For me it's the equivalent of not starting a Lindy hop dance with a pulse - Just throwing a swing-out out of nowhere Or talking English in an all Spanish class, It's just a different language, out of place.

Something else: It's not about how many years you've been dancing.
I have danced with people who have been dancing for a little shy of a year , who dance better than Most of the people on the dance floor and people 
who have been dancing for 10 years
that can rip your arms out and vice verse.

Maybe a little advice for people who are prone to do that,
I try to assume each dancer I don't know in advance is the best dancer in the world. And you know what, if I make them feel like they are, They give the best dance they can. Also, if I can't give 100% of myself in a dance, I probably won't dance. I don't want to give less or more.
If you ask me that question as we start to dance, your expectations of me are different. I might not be able to give that 100%..

I think the most important question people should ASK THEMSELVES instead of other people is how can I make this dance amazing regardless of how 'good' or experienced my dance partner is. 


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Posts about Lindy Focus - part 1

Off to the longest journey I have ever even imagined taking to a dance event - but for no other than LINDY FOCUS. The ride wasupposed to take a total of 17hours, that is if there is no traffic, including 4 changes I need to make along the way, which I can tell you I’m not going to miss. How much time did the entire trip take?

December 25, 2014 - can't sleep, making more touchups to dresses I want to sell at lindy focus, they all have to be perfect. Have to make sure I'm not forgetting anything I need to take with me.
I don't sleep.
Guy Schory stayed up with me, to spend a bit more time together (such a perfect life partner <3). I won't be seeing him for a week and a half! 

I leave the house at 6 am, with a huge suitcase, a food bag and a backpack. I rawith the heavy dance artillery,cause I'm afraid of being late. Geon the T (Boston's subway) which is pleasantly empty, have half an hour to kill, and I can't wait to taste breakfast. Guy packed me so well with yummy food he made, only to realize I haven't packed a single spoon or fork (dow!). I find the tiny spoon I put in my tea canister from David's Teas (yes!), eat some and reach Alewife.

Take the bus to NY. The organizer on the bus asks who on this bus has an available seat next to them. I raise my hand with fear, but she says I am the lucky one who got it to herself, (sweet!).
But I still can't sleep with all the excitement. Wondering what if didn't pack right and figuring that I left the white paper with travel instructions stuck to the fridge (Sh*t). Ok, no worries, when it's closer to noon I'll just give Katie a call, and she could explain how to get to NJ from Pennstation.
I dose off on the bus to wake up every half an hour or so.

I get to Penn Station anxious to go to the bathroom, and I wait in a 30 min line for itMiss my train and wait another 30 min for the next one. It is now 12:37 pm. I'm an hour late. Can't sleep on that train either. The ride is supposed to be between 35-55 min. How much time did it take?

Katie picks me up from the train station at Edison, and feeds me with steak (another win!) after about an hour of eating and chatting with her lovely mom, we hit the road.Itis now 2:17 PM. We start the drive and since I was nervous, I drank a lot of water and combined with lack of sleep, I had to stop like a million times on the road. I tried as hard as I could to stay up for Katie, but ended up passing out 3 times for about 1-1.5 hours each time. Katie was so sweet about it, especially as she didn't have a lot of sleep herself.

We had dinner at TGI Fridaywe saw on the road. It was a Friday and we got there just before a line started piling up to having to wait 20 min to be seated. (win again! I am good at this game!) Wshared a rack of BBQ Pork ribs and spinach dip, which were amazing, Katie also had coffee and said it was tasty.
The last 3 hours of the ride were the hardest, but at the last two Katie put a really awesome collection of 90's music. You have no idea how much awesomeness can come out of 2 girls singing angry Alanis Morissette songs among others in a car to stay awake, and how amazing it works! I loved our harmony. It was really cool. Katie you are one awesome friend!
also a win: only 1$ was spent on tolls, even though we were warned that it might reach up to 50$ worth of tolls. (another win!)

We got to the place sometime between 3:00-4:00 am, it'skinda blurry, I took a bath and went to bed. Woke up at 3:00 PM to start my lindy focus experience. 19 total trip hours. I can say it now, and I said it also then: TOTALLY WORTH IT! (and I'm not crazy, well.. maybe I am, but who are you to judge? If you are reading this, you are probably a lindy hopper too, so, I believe we share a craze).

Off to the longest jurney I have ever even imagined taking to a dance event - how about no other than LINDY FOCUS.  The ride is supposed to take a total of 17 hours, that is if there is no traffic, and I don't miss any part of the 4 changes I need to make along the way.

december 25 2014 - can't sleep, making more touchups to dresses I want to sell at lindy focus, they all have to be perfect. have to make sure I'm not forgetting anything I need in the suitcase.
I don't sleep.
Guy Schory stayed up with me, to spend a bit more time together (such a perfect life partner <3). I won't be seeing him for a week and a half! :/

I leave the house at 6 am, with a huge suitcase, a food bag and a backpack. run with the heavy dance artilery cause I'm afraid of being late. get on the T (Boston's subway) which is pleasently empty, have half an hour to kill: So I can't wait to taste breakfast. Guy packed me so well with Yummy food he made, only to realize I haven't packed a single spoon or fork (dow!). I find the tiny spoon I put in my tea canister from David's tea (yes!) eat some and reach alewife.

Take the bus to NY. The organizer on the bus asks: who on this bus has an available seat next to them? I raise my hand with fear, she says I am the lucky one who got it to myself, (sweet!).
But I still can't sleep with excitement. Wondering what if didn't pack right, remembering I left the white paper with travel instructions stuck to the fridge :P (Sh*t). ok, no worries, when it's is closer to noon I'll just make the call to Katie, and she could explain how to get to NJ from pan station.
I dose off on the bus to wake up every half an hour or so.

I get to Pan Station anxious to go to the bathroom. I wait in a 30 min line to the bathroom. miss my train, wait another 30 min for the next one. it is now 12:37 pm. I'm an hour late. Can't sleep on that train either. the ride is supposed to be between 35-55 min.

Katie picks me up from the train station at edison, and feeds me with steak (another win!) after about an hour of eating and chating with her lovely mom, we hit the road. it is now 2:17 PM. We start the drive and since I was nervous, I drank a lot of water and already with a lack of sleep, I had to stop like a million times on the road.I tried as hard as I could to stay up for Katie, but ended up passing out 3 times for between an 1-1.5 hours each time. Katie was so sweet about it, and didn't have a lot of sleep herself.

We had dinner at TGI fridays we saw on the road. It was a friday and we got there just before a line started pilling up to having to wait 20 min to be sitted. (win again! I am good at this game!) we shared a rack of BBQ Pork ribs and spinage dip which were amazing, katie also had coffee and said it was tasty.
The last 3 hours of the ride looked to be the hardest. but at the last two katie puled up a really awesome collection of 90's music. you have no idea how much awesomeness can come out of 2 girls singing angry Alanis Morisset songs among others in a car to stay awake, and how amazing it works! I loved our harmony. It was really cool. Katie you are one awesome bundle!
also a win: only 1$ was spent on tolls. even though we were warned that it might reach up to 50$ worth of tolls. (another win!)

We got to the place between 3:00-4:00 am, it's kinda blurry, I took a bath and went to bed. woke up at 3:00 PM to start my lindy focus experience. 19 total trip hours. I can say it now, and I said it also then: TOTALLY WORTH IT! (and I'm not crazy, well.. maybe I am, but who are you to judge? If you are reading this, you are probably a lindy hopper too, so, I believe we share a craze).