Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lindy focus part 2 - 5 mistakes CAN be made in 5 minutes - a case of a mistakes chain

bloody hell, I'm a bloody mess. minuse the blood thank god. I am really good at pissing people off.
All during while I'm trying to be the best person I can possibly be.

making 5 mistakes in 5 minutes:

first and upmost important rule of all times dancing, and socialising, and everything as a matter of fact: 1. NEVER DANCE WHEN YOU ARE TIRED!!!!!
I learned that a few years back when I twisted my ankle. I was tired it was 2 am at the regular dance place at my home town of Tel-Aviv, this guy I haven't danced with in the longest time asks me to dance, I tell him I am dead, but he asks me to try anyway with a big smile.  I grant him a big smile back and accept the dance. and yes, I twist my anckle. he asks me if I'm ok, I'm not quite sure but I never let anyone worry about me, and I say "I'm fine, I'll dance it off", I regret it the second I step on that foot again and sit on the floor at the edge of the dance floor with pain. that incident didn't take me off the dance floor, a week later I came back to dancing, which was an even poorer decision because than I actually sprang My ankle and thus instead of being incapacitated for two weeks of non dancing I ended up with 3 months of this crap. (pardon my french)

fast faeward 3 years later. we arrive to today and I am @ Lindy focus late night lindy floor room (woohooo!)
It is 3 am and someone I don't know asks me to dance after I've taken off my shoes. I tell him I am tired and that he can find me at the same place the next song. he doesn't show up at the next song. So I ask someone I saw dancing and quite liked his fun looking moves. I ask him, but then I remember I promised the dance to that first guy who asked me, and was thinking what if he sees me and thinks, "oh, she didn't wanna dance with me, but with that guy so she said this and that to get rid of me."
So, 2nd mistake: instead of dancing with the guy I asked to dance, and finding that other guy later I make this guy wait while I try to find the first one. I can't find him and its a nice song and a patient guy waiting for me to snap out of it and dance with him. what a waist! we only danced for 30 seconds of that song :/
I'm about to tell him we must dance the next song too. But than the first one shows up!
I make yet another mistake and dance with the first guy now (even though he totally disappeared before, so maybe I shouldn't have given him the credit).
I thank him for the dance and get back to the 2nd guy.

I keep making stupid mistakes (numb 3 now but who's counting):
Horrified by missing the opportunity to ask a question I have waited so long to ask Andy Rid, seeing he was available at the moment, knowing I will probably never see him again, with this being my last big event in the states before I go back to Israel, I ask the 2nd guy if it's OK that I ask Andy a quick question.
Andy ends up explaining my question  to me very thoroughly and truthfully, so nice, and then asks me to dance (!) I SAY NO, because "I promised this other guy a dance now".
I missed out dancing with Andy read. and I don't catch him later, or the next days. I'll be going back to Israel without having that pleasure. :0( sigh

Finally I dance with the 2nd guy. During the dance I feel he lost his will to dance with me. since I kept him hanging this long (I must be a horrible person) so we have a dance, I dance horribly thinking of all these things, and by the end of the dance I also get my leg twisted (yey me! I'm so good at this). I don't think he would apreciate the dance, man, I didn't  even like myself, why would he?
horrible horrible horrible
my friends, by the way, told me I should have danced with Andy as soon as he asked. I couldn't do that to that nice guy. was I wrong to say NO to a superstar?

It's a new day tomorrow. maybe  I'll be a better person than.
Next post is about how NOT to say no to a dance. (from an experienced perspective of a declined dancer)

here is what the 2nd lead wrote commenting on a post on Facebook:
I can empathize with you Madeline. I had a very weird encounter last night as well. As I was sitting out when a girl asks me to dance. I accepted, but she proceeds to tell me that she already promised the dance to someone else. However, mystery man was no where to be found. We danced the remaining 30 seconds of the song, and I asked if she wanted to dance the next one. Mystery man was found, and I waited until the next song. I found her again and we got a new spot on the dance floor. As the song starts, she says to me, "I have to ask this guy a question." This person being Andy Reid. She left me and talked Andy for the rest of the song. I stood around for awhile, but I found my seat again to take a break. After her conversation she asked me to dance again. I agreed, but was not enthralled about the situation. I guess my suggestion would be, take these encounters with a grain of salt. If someone does't want to dance you then, 
whatever...They probably are not the kind of person you would want to surround yourself with.

Told you he probably will never know and wouldn't appreciate it.


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