Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What to do with a broken guitar

 what to do with a broken guitar :/ ?

So, the day arrived that I wanted to continue to learn to play my mini guitar. 
When opening its case, I saw that my guitar didn't make it through our move to Boston,
 @_@*_* &_&+~..\\BUMMER//..~+~\\&_& *_* @_@
I wouldn't go and fix it, since I bought it so cheaply and it's not like it was of good quality anyway...

Here is what I did with it:

I took the head of the guitar, and painted the top a metallic light sky blue.
I assembled a gold colored cup hook, that goes all the way through the guitar's head so I could connect it to the wall.

I also added a Command damage free strap to make sure it supports the weight of the guitar head.

Then, I added some gold colored hooks crochets (leftovers from Christmas decor), cause they kind of look like a sol key to me :) it goes really well with the musical look I want to give to the room, and adds more hanging space for my jewelry! yay! :D  

 It looks great on the pearled tuning keys!

Next, I went to work on the body of the guitar, and the first stage is sawing.


Sawing notes: 

# I marked with a pencil where I wanted to saw, and traced that mark with a sharp pin, that bit into the wood. it helped control the sawing's line.

#  Don't forget to put on safety gogglesBe Safe!
#  In order to not crack the edges, I started from the sound-hole, and worked my way 1.5 inch       
a  w  a  y  from the edge.

                                          next part is sanding the edges of the opening
does anybody know why the edges are pink and smell like strawberries?!

this is how the guitar looks like after sanding 

Wanna see how it turns out? 
1. Subscribe please! 
2. next blog will probably be on the 02/05/2014
3. questions? comments? write them below :)

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